What is the workflow for adding and managing sponsors and exhibitors?

Here's the workflow for managing sponsors/exhibitors:

Admin can create sponsorship packages from Tickets & Fees tool. Sponsors would go to sponsorship packages page to purchase a package.

Admin would then go to Sponsors Manager to create a sponsor listing.

To add a sponsor representative who would represent this sponsor at the event, admin would need to go to Contacts and add the representative as an attendee.

To send invites to prospective sponsors, create them as contacts in the system and send emails to them using email broadcast tool.

You can update the status for these prospects using the Lifecycle Stage and Deal Stage options in the left side parameter settings in Contacts detail view.

To add exhibitors, go to Exhibitors Manager. Dryfta does not have a purchase module yet for exhibitors so they would need to use the sponsorship packages form or a custom form created using form builder tool.

1 Reply 0 Loves
Sep 08, 2020 08:10 PM


Freyni du Toit
  1. I understand from a previous chat with Sarah that only the Artemis, Gaia and Pasiphae Themes should be used as the others are no longer being updated - is this still the case?
  2. In the Artemis theme - what is the banner size for a Sponsor listing (the block behind their logo in the Exhibition Hall)?
  3. And where do I upload the banner image?
0 Loves Jun 25, 2021 01:00 PM