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Hi, is there a way to move the "Proceed" button on the "Register" page? It currently appears to be in the page footer, so it's not immediately noticeable.
It is not possible to move the "Proceed" button on the Register page.
The Proceed button only works when user selects a ticket type. Moving this button anywhere else will render it useless.
Also, I noticed your custom CSS is making it display below the footer. But the original theme shows it above the footer and directly below the purchase form. So you need to adjust the CSS to display it correctly. See the original theme in action here:
Hi, Is there a way to increase the maximum number of abstracts/reviewer? Currently set at a maximum of 15.
You can go to Submission Settings and under Assignment settings, increase the reviewers to any number you want.
I would like to use the template to upload submissions with the help of the csv template file (abstractimportsamplefile). However, I would like to add some coloms with input. What would be the best way for this? Looking forward to the tutorial on this.
Step 1: You need to first create fields for these questions in the "Submission questions" under the Abstract Submissions module.
Step 2: You need to first import them with basic columns eg. title, summary etc.
Step 3: Once imported, you can go to the "Update Submissions" tab in the import view, and download the sample file which includes your previously imported abstracts and the extra columns for custom questions you created in step 1.
Step 4: Open the CSV, and update the additional columns in the sample file with abstract information.
Step 5: Import the updated CSV back in to the system. That should import your submissions with all the custom information.
Oke, awesome!
I want to confirm the actual rate limit setup for Dryfta API. i.e., how many requests per minute can I send
It allows up to 50 requests per minute.
Is there a way to rename the days on my Agenda in the Program builder?We are looking to have Pre-Conference Day 1, Pre-Conference Day 2, and then Day 1, Day2, Day 3.
For now it seems the days are named automatically
Please go to Program Builder > Settings to change the default day tabs with your custom titles.
I am integrating the Dryfta API for my organization so we can continuously and dynamically fetch data.I am querying contacts either through the GET all endpoint, GET all by role endpoint, or the GET by ID endpoint. I wanted to use the "LOGGED IN DATE" to determine when the user last logged in to their account, but none of these services returned that field. How possible is it for me to have this field returned via query?PS: when the data is exported via CSV the "LOGGED IN DATE" is part of the parsed columns
"LOGGED IN DATE" can be fetched as last_loggedin_date by using LAST_LOGGEDIN_DATE as query parameter (e.g- F1=LAST_LOGGEDIN_DATE)
To include all fixed fields, use FIXED_FIELDS as query parameter (e.g- F1=FIXED_FIELDS)For custom fields, use CUSTOM_FIELDS as query parameter (e.g- F1=FIXED_FIELDS&F2=CUSTOM_FIELDS)
Thanks, this works fine
As a technical support person at our university, I have been asked to help out with custom domains for Dryfta conference sites.
It turns out Dryfta has constraints on custom domain names that don't fit our business cases (which, as far as I see, are the same as those of other universities).
When people organize a conference, workshop, or other scientific event, they often purchase a domain name specifically for that event. They explicitly do not want to use the organizing university's own domain name or branding, because the event is a collaborative effort and hosting usually changes from year to year.
So when organizing, say, the 21th International Symposium on Acme Widgets, they do not want to use; instead, they purchase something like and that is what they want to use. So the Dryfta conference site should have a name ending in
Dryfta's constraints go against this. We are required to use a 3-component name of which the first must be equal to the name of the site in Dryfta. So for, we can only create the custom domain name and create a redirection from to it. This is a bit crazy.
Why does this restriction exist? Can it be dropped?
We normally only allow subdomains as custom domains. However, since you have asked for it, please feel free to submit your root-level FQDN to configure as your custom domain for your specific event. You do not need to ensure your root-level domain name is same the domain name for your Dryfta event.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Good morning,
I am having difficulty enabling surveys for sessions. I have followed the instructions, but do not see the option to enable surveys. Can you please show me how to do this?
Hi. Go to Program Builder. Edit a session, scroll down to the bottom of the page and there you should see the option to enable survey for the session. Click Yes to enable and then click on Save.
Alternatively, you can use the Bulk Edit tool to bulk update multiple sessions' survey settings at once.
Hi Sarah, I have tried that and do not see the option to enable survey for the session. I am an administrator in our instance of Dryfta and was able to do this last year, but do not see the option to enable survey now.
Hi. Can you please share your event's name? I'll then look into your admin permissions and get back to you.
The event name is 2024 TAICEP Conference.
Thank you,
Hi. Please try again. Previously, you did not have access to all the features in the event schedule software.
Is it possible to accept payment in multiple currencies? Our event requires tickets in USD as well as Local currency. So I will like to create a separate ticket with a separate USD payment method
Hi. As of now, it is not possible to have multiple currency in a single event.
Hi there - can I be directed on how to create an abstract book for attendees? Thanks
Hi. Go to Abstract Submissions module and click on the "Abstract Book" menu. This is where you can customize and generate the abstract book PDF.
Is it possible to update questions within an existing session survey?
Yes, of course! Go to Session surveys, edit the survey you want to, and add new questions or edit existing default questions.
You can also submit a support ticket by sending an email to
Hello - reviewers are receiving the message 'Review submission's last date has arrived!' - Yet the setting for last review date is 2/29/24 - how to fix?
My new event dates are wrong. How do I change the event date?
Click on the "Rocket" icon in the top navigation bar and then click on Basic Setup. Or go to this direct URL:
For future questions, you can also submit support tickets by clicking on the Headphone icon in the top navigation bar in your dashboard.
Can you guide why the logo is showing above navigation bar on empty space instead of on the navigation bar, what may be the possible causes
Hi. Which event are you referring to?
Dear Sarah, I am actually referring to the top navigation bar on every page with menus and sub menus the logo i want to appear on that bar and not above it. Just as it appears here on dryfta community page (don't want this). Is it possible logo appears left to community and no white space at top?
For the SBC WG event, I would like for people with accepted abstracts to accept and confirm that they will be presenting. Is there a way to do this beyond asking people to click withdraw if they can no longer present or change their presenting author to someone else? I'm looking for a third option where they click to confirm all details are accurate and they will be at the conference to present. Thank you!
How to add css and where are the themes? Can you guide Please
Go to CSS Manager to add CSS. There're no themes you can choose from. If you want to make any changes, you need to add custom CSS.
Thankyou Sarah! May I know if we can add a java script content for custom button toggle. As I want to add a collapsible text in widget. I just noticed in code view we can only add the html code for text, ordered/unordered list , image , video, url only.
To add JS, you need to click on the Settings icon in the top navigation bar in the backend and there you can add JS codes. It will need to be approved by a Dryfta Support Person before it can be used.
Thanks a lot,
I need to accept a set of abstracts as poster presentations and a separate set of abstracts as oral presentations. Since both presentation types are very different, I need to be able to add some sort of note in the acceptance letter showing exactly what presentation type they have been accepted for. What is the best way to go about doing this? Thank you!
Hi. Which event this is for? If you are an admin, it is best to submit a support ticket from the backend.
Is there a way for an attendee at a conference powered by Dryfta to find out how many people viewed their video-recorded presentation? Thanks in advance.
We do not display that publicly. But we can share that information with you. What is the title of your abstract?
The file import for Abstracts is not working on a mac..Not even with a .csv format or after opening with Numbers.
Please share a screenshot of what you see. Also mention the event's domain name so we can log in and look into it. Please send a copy of the import file to
How can I create a real-time customized report and how can I share this with the LOC Committee? Before it was quite easy (add a tag LOC, add this tag to the contact; done!) but now I can not find how to do this. Or is there another way to share the registration info in real time?Thanks,
The process is still the same. You need to create a tag, select that tag in the custom report, and then assign this tag to the contact whom you want to have access to this report.
If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to ask or search our community.
Follow @DryftaEventApps
Event University includes video tutorials, interviews and video casts by Dryfta team to help event organizers manage their events. We also share how-tos, important updates and tips about using the Dryfta event platform to manage your events and conferences.
Browse @Dryftaeventplatform
We have created shareable PDFs for Sponsors, Authors, Attendees, Speakers, Moderators and Reviewers using the Dryfta platform.
Author's guide to submitting a single abstract
Author's guide to submitting a panel
Speaker's/Attendee's guide to presenting/attending a virtual session
Attendee's guide to using Dryfta dashboard
Sponsor's guide to using Dryfta
Reviewer's guide to submitting reviews
Moderator's guide to moderating a virtual session
Go to your event's Dryfta dashboard, click on Helpdesk in the top navigation bar and post your questions.
We did a test webinar today using the Zoom-IBM-... 13
Sarah, I was under the impression that our even... 11
I have pasted the YouTube link for my first liv... 11
Good morning,I am having difficulty enabling su... 10
The hybrid event was always the best choice, ev... 10
We are attempting to setup a SAML SSO connectio... 10
Please help - this video always gets stuck at 9... 9
Hi Sarah,Hope you are well, is there a way on D... 9
Hello,I am trying to compose email notification... 8
Hi Sarah,I have created a general submission fo... 8