Past update – v16.7

Nature of the update Feature updates Duration of the update 1-2 minutes Platform accessibility No downtime. The event sites and event dashboard remained accessible as is. What changed This update included new features, improvements and minor bug fixes.

  • In Sponsors Manager, added an banner ads placement section to display banners in event apps.
  • In abstract submission, if abstract title is not entered, it wont save sub-topics selection. Fixed
  • In Assigned abstracts backend detail view, the field "Authors:" and the "View author profile" button is displayed even if Authors information is unselected for the role of the admin who is logged-in. Fixed
  • Added shortcode for registration custom fields in certificate builder along with {ce_credits} shortcode.
  • Added Bid on Abstracts function - If bidding process is enabled, all abstracts would be displayed to all reviewers in a separate Bid Abstracts layout (Important: abstracts would not be assigned to them but ONLY displayed to them for bidding;) Added option in abstract settings' Bid Settings section to exclude those abstracts from displaying in Bid list which are in conflict due to reviewer's own abstract/s (enabled by default and would not be an an option), topic match, with reviewer's expertise or organization (if organization check is enabled). Reviewer can then choose to decline abstracts they do not wish to review. In decline option for reviewers, instead of simply allowing reviewers to decline an abstract and submit reason, also provide them with following option when they click on Decline button: Conflict of Interest; Low expertise; Medium expertise; High expertise. The abstracts would remain there in the Bid page even after reviewer has submitted the bid. The abstract would only be removed once it has been assigned to the reviewer. Reviewers can choose from above options. If they choose Conflict option, then abstract would be removed from their dashboard. For other options, abstract would not be removed but their option would be logged (Low;Medium;High).

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Sep 07, 2020 06:22 AM


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