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Jennifer Collins

Good morning,

I am having difficulty enabling surveys for sessions. I have followed the instructions, but do not see the option to enable surveys. Can you please show me how to do this?

10 Replies 0 Loves Oct 07, 2024 11:51 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Go to Program Builder. Edit a session, scroll down to the bottom of the page and there you should see the option to enable survey for the session. Click Yes to enable and then click on Save.

Alternatively, you can use the Bulk Edit tool to bulk update multiple sessions' survey settings at once.

0 Loves Oct 07, 2024 11:53 AM
Jennifer Collins

Hi Sarah, I have tried that and do not see the option to enable survey for the session. I am an administrator in our instance of Dryfta and was able to do this last year, but do not see the option to enable survey now.

0 Loves Oct 07, 2024 07:04 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Can you please share your event's name? I'll then look into your admin permissions and get back to you.

0 Loves Oct 07, 2024 08:30 PM
Jennifer Collins

Good morning, 

The event name is 2024 TAICEP Conference. 

Thank you,


0 Loves Oct 09, 2024 11:57 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Please try again. Previously, you did not have access to all the features in the event schedule software.

0 Loves Oct 09, 2024 04:25 PM
Koko Aadum


Is it possible to accept payment in multiple currencies? Our event requires tickets in USD as well as Local currency. So I will like to create a separate ticket with a separate USD payment method

1 Reply 0 Loves Oct 06, 2024 08:15 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. As of now, it is not possible to have multiple currency in a single event.

0 Loves Oct 07, 2024 10:22 AM
Catherine McManus

Hi there - can I be directed on how to create an abstract book for attendees? Thanks

1 Reply 0 Loves Oct 01, 2024 03:54 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Go to Abstract Submissions module and click on the "Abstract Book" menu. This is where you can customize and generate the abstract book PDF.

0 Loves Oct 02, 2024 03:29 AM
Jennifer Collins

Is it possible to update questions within an existing session survey?

2 Replies 0 Loves Jul 14, 2024 05:47 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Yes, of course! Go to Session surveys, edit the survey you want to, and add new questions or edit existing default questions.

0 Loves Jul 14, 2024 10:08 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

You can also submit a support ticket by sending an email to

0 Loves Jul 14, 2024 10:08 PM
Bill Miller

Hello - reviewers are receiving the message 'Review submission's last date has arrived!' - Yet the setting for last review date is 2/29/24 - how to fix? 

1 Reply 0 Loves Dec 20, 2023 02:38 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator
Can you please ask them to try again now? It was due to a new setting (added an option for late-breaking reviewers to submit reviews, similar to the existing setting for late breaking authors submitting abstracts) under the submission type implemented earlier this week. It must now be working.
0 Loves Dec 20, 2023 06:25 PM
William Miller

My new event dates are wrong. How do I change the event date? 

1 Reply 0 Loves Oct 16, 2023 01:45 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Click on the "Rocket" icon in the top navigation bar and then click on Basic Setup. Or go to this direct URL:

For future questions, you can also submit support tickets by clicking on the Headphone icon in the top navigation bar in your dashboard.

1 Love Oct 16, 2023 01:54 PM
Farzeen Rizwan

Can you guide why the logo is showing above navigation bar on empty space instead of on the navigation bar, what may be the possible causes

2 Replies 0 Loves Sep 12, 2023 07:57 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Which event are you referring to?

0 Loves Sep 12, 2023 02:15 PM
Farzeen Rizwan

Dear Sarah, I am actually referring to the top navigation bar on every page with menus and sub menus the logo i want to appear on that bar and not above it. Just as it appears here on dryfta community page (don't want this). Is it possible logo appears left to community and no white space at top?

0 Loves Sep 15, 2023 07:17 AM
Ashley Riley

For the SBC WG event, I would like for people with accepted abstracts to accept and confirm that they will be presenting. Is there a way to do this beyond asking people to click withdraw if they can no longer present or change their presenting author to someone else? I'm looking for a third option where they click to confirm all details are accurate and they will be at the conference to present. Thank you! 

0 Replies 0 Loves Sep 11, 2023 05:22 PM
Farzeen Rizwan

How to add css and where are the themes? Can you guide Please

4 Replies 0 Loves Sep 07, 2023 09:08 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Go to CSS Manager to add CSS. There're no themes you can choose from. If you want to make any changes, you need to add custom CSS.

1 Love Sep 07, 2023 12:18 PM
Farzeen Rizwan

Thankyou Sarah! May I know if we can add a java script content for custom button toggle. As I want to add a collapsible text in widget.  I just noticed in code view we can only add the html code for text, ordered/unordered list , image , video, url only. 

0 Loves Sep 07, 2023 11:31 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

To add JS, you need to click on the Settings icon in the top navigation bar in the backend and there you can add JS codes. It will need to be approved by a Dryfta Support Person before it can be used.

0 Loves Sep 10, 2023 07:29 AM
Farzeen Rizwan

Thanks a lot,

0 Loves Sep 12, 2023 07:56 AM
Ashley Riley

I need to accept a set of abstracts as poster presentations and a separate set of abstracts as oral presentations. Since both presentation types are very different, I need to be able to add some sort of note in the acceptance letter showing exactly what presentation type they have been accepted for. What is the best way to go about doing this? Thank you!

1 Reply 0 Loves Sep 05, 2023 06:36 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Which event this is for? If you are an admin, it is best to submit a support ticket from the backend.

1 Love Sep 05, 2023 06:41 PM
Beatrice Dupuy

Is there a way for an attendee at a conference powered by Dryfta to find out how many people viewed their video-recorded presentation? Thanks in advance.

1 Reply 0 Loves Jul 21, 2023 01:48 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

We do not display that publicly. But we can share that information with you. What is the title of your abstract?

0 Loves Jul 21, 2023 01:53 PM
Nikita Arora

The file import for Abstracts is not working on a mac..Not even with a .csv format or after opening with Numbers.

1 Reply 0 Loves Jul 03, 2023 09:10 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Please share a screenshot of what you see. Also mention the event's domain name so we can log in and look into it. Please send a copy of the import file to

0 Loves Jul 03, 2023 09:20 AM
Nicole Fontein

How can I create a real-time customized report and how can I share this with the LOC Committee? Before it was quite easy (add a tag LOC, add this tag to the contact; done!) but now I can not find how to do this. Or is there another way to share the registration info in real time?


1 Reply 0 Loves May 10, 2023 07:30 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

The process is still the same. You need to create a tag, select that tag in the custom report, and then assign this tag to the contact whom you want to have access to this report.

0 Loves May 10, 2023 06:15 PM
Nicole Fontein

As part of a sponsorship deal, I need to set up 6 one-day anonymous tickets, to be used by guests of this company, without the name of the guests. How can I create this?


0 Replies 0 Loves May 08, 2023 11:59 AM
Kay Matthews

How can remove this message from the web pages: This heading text can be changed from Forms > User instructions 

1 Reply 0 Loves May 05, 2023 04:59 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Go to Data Collection module. Click on Forms > User instructions. Select the page from the dropdown where you want to change the user instructions.

0 Loves May 05, 2023 05:13 PM
Bram Terwogt

Hi, is it possible to copy/insert the abstract review text to the rebuttals for all abstracts that have a review, in one go? Or is it only possible to copy them one by one? Thank you

1 Reply 0 Loves May 04, 2023 12:44 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

You need to copy them one by one. That's why we have provided a dedicated rebuttal function so you did not have to do it. Not sure you did not use the rebuttal function instead of creating a custom field to collect rebuttals.

0 Loves May 04, 2023 01:25 PM
Julie Hendry

How do you set up and use the new live polling option in the event app?

3 Replies 0 Loves Apr 25, 2023 02:36 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Hi. Here's a screen capture of how to create a live poll for a session: 

0 Loves Apr 25, 2023 04:23 AM
Julie Hendry

Thanks - it's easy to set up but now how do we use it?  I created a couple of test polls one under my name and one under another speaker.  When I log into the app I can see the poll for the one I created for myself but not the other one.  How do we 'start' the poll during the session - this is a live in person meeting for us, no virtual component.  Does the speaker need to start the poll, or an admin, or is it automatic when the session begins?

0 Loves Apr 26, 2023 02:33 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

Session polls are instantly available. However, to participate in a poll, one needs to check in to the session. The Check-in button will come up 5 minutes before the session begins. You can do a test session to test live polling beforehand.

0 Loves Apr 26, 2023 04:33 AM
Ricardo Zambrano

How do you insert the logo and event name on an outgoing email (e.g. abstract accepted)?

0 Replies 0 Loves Apr 23, 2023 10:24 PM
Nicole Fontein

How can i embed a code in a page: for instance this one: 

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" class="publuuflip"></iframe>

1 Reply 0 Loves Mar 04, 2023 02:36 PM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

You can copy this code and paste it wherever WYSIWYG editor is enabled and HTML is supported eg., in your content page or session description. 

Important: Before pasting the code, make sure you have switched to the code view.

0 Loves Apr 09, 2023 04:29 PM
Nicole Fontein

How to build a sitemap within a Dryfta site? How to get better recognized by Google?

1 Reply 0 Loves Feb 28, 2023 08:10 AM
Sarah Hussain Moderator

There is a menu under Website Designer > Navigation where you can enable Sitemap menu. This menu lists all menus in the pages.

1 Love Feb 28, 2023 11:17 AM

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